Undergraduate Program
Resource and Environmental Economics (ESL)
The Department of Resource and Environmental Economics (ESL Department) was officially established on January 10, 2005 through Rector’s Decree No. IPB. 001 / K13 / PP / 2005.The ESL Department is one of the departments under the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB in accordance with IPB Rector’s Decree no.112 / K13 / OT / 2005 dated August 2, 2005.
The Department of ESL offers the study of economics and social aspects of agriculture, natural resources, and the environment as well as their impacts on the society. As part of the Faculty of Economics and Management IPB, the department is primarily aimed at addressing the global need for sustainable development and improving the awareness of government agencies, societies, and business entities on the importance of resource and environmental sustainability.
The major competency requires students to be able to appropriately apply relevant theoretical concepts and formulate policies in the fields of agricultural, resource, and environmental economics. In general, academic programs at the ESL department concern with theoretical frameworks and issues related to natural resource management, environmental policies and agricultural development.
Kompetensi Lulusan
Graduates of the Department of Economics of Resources and Environment possess professional attitudes and ethics as techno-socio-preneurs in mastering concepts, theories, and analyses in the fields of agricultural economics, resources, and the environment.
Capaian Pembelajaran
Graduates of the ESL program can work professionally in various fields, especially those related to agriculture, resources, and the environment, in both government and private institutions, domestically and internationally.
Origin of the School Department?
The origin of the school department for entering the Resources and Environment Economics program is Science (IPA - Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam).
Duration of Study?
The duration of the Resources and Environment Economics program is 4 years.
The graduation degree?
The graduation degree for the Resources and Environment Economics program is S.E. (Sarjana Ekonomi).
Prospek Kerja
Graduates of the ESL program are capable of working professionally in various fields, particularly those related to agriculture, resources, and the environment, in both government and private institutions, both domestically and internationally.