+622518621834 esl@apps.ipb.ac.id

Category: news

Welcome to our Master's program
ESL students are going into nature
Kegiatan riset dosen dan mahasiswa, Malaysia, 11-12 Mei 2024
Departemen ESL Jajaki Kerjasama dengan PPN Pelabuhan Ratu
Analysis of the Livelihood Assets of Freshwater Stingray Fishermen in Musi River
Wini's hard work has been recognized with the Best Paper Honorable Mentions Award at the 1st ASEAN University
Get Closer to ESL the Rise of Green Economy in Indonesia Unlocking the Future Green Job With ESL
Kuliah Capstone Dampak Perubahan Iklim Terhadap Pertanian
Kuliah Capstone Topik Waste Management