Vlog Competition
Mekanisme Penyelenggaraan 1. Requirements a) There are two catagories: photo and video competition. b) Participants for photo competition are individuals and for video competition are groups (3-5 persons per group). c) Participants must follow out social media account: …
ESL Department of IPB University Presents Forestry Experts from USA
Forestry and environmental issues often occur lately. This is caused by several causes including increased deforestation in the interests of development and economy, land conversion, unsustainable natural resource use activities and ineffective policy instruments to reduce forest and environmental damage. Market demand for wood and …
ESL Department Promotes Waste Recycling Socialization in Pasarean Village
Departemen ESL Sosialisasi Daur Ulang Sampah di Desa Pasarean Kecamatan Pamijahan ESL FEM – As a form of community service, the Department of ESL (Resource Economics and Environment), Faculty of Economics and Management of IPB University in collaboration with PT. SMI (PT. Sarana Mitra Infrastruktur) …
ESL Department Supports Green Campus IPB 2020
ESL FEM – Department of Resource and Environmental Economics (ESL), FEM IPB University conducted a Jumsih (Clean Friday) activity to succeed the IPB Green Campus program, Friday (2/28/2020). This activity was led directly by the Head of the ESL Department, Dr. Ahyar Ismail and Secretary …
Learning Tea Processing in Gunung Mas, Bogor
ESL FEM – Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University held a winter course for foreign students. One of the series of winter courses this time is a fieldtrip to PTPN VIII Gunung Mas, Cisarua, Bogor followed by …
Management of Organic and Non-Organic Waste UPT Compost
ESL FEM – Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), IPB University held a Winter Course on December 26-January 15, 2020 at the Dramaga Campus of IPB, Bogor. The second Winter Course program that has been held since 2018 was …
ESL Guest Lecturer Presents Dr. Ho Sang Kang
ESL FEM – Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management (ESL-FEM) IPB University conducted an international guest lecture by presenting lecturers / researchers from Seoul National University Dr. Ho San Kang. This lecture will take place in the 2019 ESL Sustainability …
Guest Lecturer About SGDs, ESL IPB Invites Lecturers from Japan
ESL FEM – Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs are currently a hot topic and many institutions and institutions have intensified the program. SDGs are global action plans aimed at ending poverty, reducing inequality, and protecting the environment. In this regard, the Department of Resource and …
Hey Tayo, Sorting the Trash of the Academic Community of IPB
Hey Tayo! Hey Tukar Sampah yo! Lately, the general public must be familiar with the singing car “Tayo” cartoon car. This time the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) succeeded in making ‘Tayo’ which was different from Tayo in general. Initiated by the Department of Resource Economics …