Vision, Mission, and Goals of the ESL Department

Visi, Misi, dan Tujuan Departemen ESL



To become a superior department at the national and international levels in the development of agricultural, resource and environmental economics to create a techno-socio entrepreneurial university that is oriented towards sustainable development and community welfare.


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Organizing higher education that produces excellent, characterful, and competent human resources in the fields of Agricultural Economics, Resources, and Environment.

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Develop knowledge in the field of agricultural economics, resources, and the environment in supporting sustainable development; and

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Carry out the Tri-Dharma of Higher Education to contribute to the development of agriculture, natural resources and the environment for the welfare of society.


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Menghasilkan Sarjana Ekonomi yang memiliki keunggulan dan kompetensi dalam bidang ekonomi pertanian, sumberdaya dan lingkungan.

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Memutakhirkan ilmu ekonomi pertanian, sumberdaya dan lingkungan sesuai dengan perkembangan keilmuan dan permasalahan pembangunan nasional.

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Mengembangkan sumberdaya manusia baik dosen maupun tenaga kependidikan yang bermutu.

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Merumuskan alternatif penyelesaian permasalahan ekonomi untuk mewujudkan pembangunan berkelanjutan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.