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Resource And Environmental Economics

Realizing MBKM, Department of ESL IPB University Explores Collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture


Realizing MBKM, Department of ESL IPB University Explores Collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture

The Department of Resources and Environmental Economics (ESL), Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) together with the Resources and Environmental Economics Student Association (REESA) conducted an ESL Visit to the Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities (Ditjen PSP), Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) RI.

This visit was accompanied by Dr. Kastana Sapanli as the ESL IPB University Student Affairs Commission which aims to introduce students to government work programs directly. This visit was also to open up opportunities for collaboration in internships and other Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) programs.

Dr. Hermanto, Secretary of the Directorate General of PSP of the Ministry of Agriculture stated that the appeal significantly supports the involvement of students in helping the realization of the programs that have been planned. By cooperating with universities, it is hoped that the acceleration of modern and sustainable agricultural development can be achieved.

“Agricultural development is inseparable from the dynamics of technological development which is integrated with improving the quality of human resources. Innovation support from universities will really help realize the development of an advanced, independent and modern Indonesia,” he said.

He added, the application of smart farming can increase effectiveness and productivity so that farmers’ income will increase and be able to attract the younger generation.

“The problem that is currently happening in Indonesia is that the enthusiasm of young people is starting to fade in following the footsteps of the farmers. This may be due to the paradigm that agriculture is ugly, dirty, and creates low wages. Also, sometimes the income from selling agricultural products appear to be less than their price on the market,” said Dr. Hermanto.

On that occasion, Dr. Kastana said, IPB University ESL students are ready to collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture’s programs. “Our students with the parameters of higher education today are different from the past. With Merdeka Belajar, students are required to take 20 semester credit units (SKS) off campus,” he said.

According to him, the synergy of apprenticeship activities and thematic real work lectures (KKN-T) can be carried out together with several farmer development activities.

“IPB University ESL students have been equipped with agricultural economics and resources in lectures along with other soft skills advantages, such as making organic fertilizer from waste, natural resource valuation and farming analysis which can help farmers increase agricultural production,” said Dr. Kastana . (*/Rz) (IAAS/SND)

Resource Person : Dr Hermanto, Dr Kastana Sapanli

Keyword : IPB ESL collaboration, RI Ministry of Agriculture, ESL Visit