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Resource And Environmental Economics

Department of Natural Resources Economy and Environment of IPB University Discuss the Development of Green Cibanteng Tourism Village with the Village Party


Department of Natural Resources Economy and Environment of IPB University Discuss the Development of Green Cibanteng Tourism Village with the Village Party

Department of Natural Resources Economy and Environment (ESL), Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University with apparatus of Cibanteng Village did a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to follow up the research of Green Cibanteng Tourism Potential, (26/1). This research was a continuation of Village Development and Empowerment Holistic Program (PHP2D), Professional Association of Resources and Environmental Economics Student Association (REESA) IPB University. This research focused on two objectives, it is village tourism and the development of local village products.

The ESL Department collaborated with REESA IPB University to realize the research. The coordination begins with discussion with Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). Based on the conclusion of the Cibanteng Village tourism development preference survey from the supply and demand side of tourism, tourism activities in Cibanteng Village will be developed with zero waste village emission reduction concept. At least there were two tourism potential that will be developed in the near future to follow up the survey result. It was fish pond tourism and waste management.

“We can discuss about irrigation and waste management soon. For Human Resources (HR), we agreed with the villagers. In general, in making tourism in Cibanteng Village, one of the important things needed is road access to be one of challenges,” said Dr. Meti Ekayani, S.Hut, M.Sc as the Leader of Green Cibanteng Tourism Research Team.

According to this Lecturer of IPB University from Department of Natural Resources Economy and Environment, the agreed form of tourism is educational tourism. This tourism focused on the environment with a unique topic that attracts tourists. “For that, it was hoped that village can optimize the existing institutional system,” she added.

Meanwhile, Mukhlis from Cibanteng BUMDes said that part of the tourism that is sold is no longer the beauty of nature, but there was an educational side, especially entrepreneurship and this tourism targets millennials. “So, it would be better if the tourism we provided see the needs that millennials were looking for,” he said.

According to him, this based on local strengths’ tourism will brought economic benefits as well as environment sustainability. Of course, by optimizing the inside functions and attracting external partners. The funding process may seeks partners who were not too binding. Responding to this, Dr Meti said that management should be carried out by the village internal.

“But we still need external partners for coaching and funding while still paying attention to several functions. It was the marketing function, the supervisory function, the financial function (attracts external partners, also the management and development function). BUMDes made a program and mapped the potential in each RT/RW,” she said.

According to her, this FGD result will be followed up through the formation of interdept team that consist of IPB University and village. It was hoped that these two agencies can collaborated to follow up the result. (Haj/Zul) (IAAS/DND)