+622518621834 esl@apps.ipb.ac.id

Facilities and Infrastructure

Facilities and Infrastructure

Infrastructure is an important element in supporting the successful implementation of academic programs. The availability of facilities and infrastructure in the ESL Department – IPB is currently adequate and meets feasibility in terms of type, quantity, area, time and quality. In addition, the management of supporting facilities and infrastructure owned is carried out by paying attention to aspects of care and maintenance, accessibility, adequacy, suitability for use, clarity of regulations and efficiency of use.

The management of this infrastructure is managed by the Administration Section (TU) under the Secretary of the Department through periodic building maintenance and repairs. Apart from that, student accessibility to this infrastructure is very open for discussion and teaching and learning activities. The lecture rooms available in the ESL Department are currently very good with adequate lecture facilities to support lecture activities. Apart from that, there is also an internet network that can be accessed by the academic community.

The infrastructure owned by the ESL Department to support academic activities includes:

  • Lecturer Workspace
  • Other rooms such as the Office or Study Program Secretariat
  • Academic Services Room
  • Lecture hall
  • Court room
  • Seminar Room
  • Discussion Room
  • Reading Room or IPB Central Library (LSI)
  • Computer and cyber computer laboratory within IPB
  • Student Association
  • Room Kitchen

Other facilities owned by the ESL Department to support lecture activities include facilities such as:

  • Tables and chairs
  • White Board
  • Air Conditioner
  • OHP
  • LCD
  • Wireless
  • Notebooks, and so on