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Resource And Environmental Economics

Green Cibanteng Program Initiated by IPB University’s ESL Department Will Continue


Green Cibanteng Program Initiated by IPB University’s ESL Department Will Continue

The Lecturer Team for Tourism Economics from the Department of Natural Resources Economy and Environment (ESL) Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University explained the research progress to the Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) IPB University. The presentation of the monitoring results was carried out after a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with village officials and partners in Cibanteng Village in January 2022. LPPM conducted monitoring and evaluation of the research on the tourism potential of Cibanteng Hijau on 26/2.

“Devotion and research, both support each other. The research results are expected to have an impact on the community which is implemented through community service activities,” said Dr Ahyar Ismail, Head of the Department of Natural Resources Economy and Environment.

He gave an example such as research on the tourism potential of Cibanteng Hijau which is based on the sustainability roadmap of REESA’s Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) which focuses on Cibanteng Hijau products and tourism.

“Devotion should be based on research results so that the service programs carried out are of the right benefit,” added Dr Ahyar Ismail.

Secretary of the ESL Department, Dr Meti Ekayani, explained that from the results of the initial mapping, the research on Cibanteng Hijau’s tourism potential focused on educational tours of vineyards, coffee house tours, and waste management. The tourism concept is a low-carbon village related to culture, religion, and the environment.

Head of Cibanteng Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes), Muklis said that BUMDes were very supportive and enthusiastic about this activity. “It’s a tit for tat, I’m very happy because there are friends to discuss from IPB University’s ESL lecturers and students,” he said.

He also admitted that his party has the same mission in managing organic and inorganic waste into various products and tourist attractions.

The results of the data found in the field in carrying out research on the green Cibanteng tourism potential are then used to submit proposals for various programs. The programs in question include PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, student creativity programs, Village Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Development programs, student final assignments, and product submissions in the One Village One CEO program.

“The research results are good, they even have a direct impact on the community and provide an example of a sustainable community service model,” said Prof. Sugeng Heri Suseno, Deputy Head of LPPM for Research.

He also assigned him to continue the research results that had been found in Cibanteng Village and the report would be submitted by the end of this year. (Haj/Ang) (IAAS/SYA)