+622518621834 esl@apps.ipb.ac.id

Resource And Environmental Economics

International Conferences Rosaline Anggita Elsa.


International Conferences Rosaline Anggita Elsa.

Rosaline Anggita Elsa Saragih was among the esteemed presenters at the recently concluded Frontier in Sustainable Agromaritime and Environmental Development (FiSAED) International Conference, held on December 14–15, 2023. Our sincere appreciation goes to the supervision team, comprised of Dr. Ir. Eka Intan Kumala Putri, M.Si; Dr. Nuva, SP, MSc; and Mr. Danang Pramudita, SP, M.Si.

The conference deliberated on the concept of sustainable development, defined as the pursuit of progress that fulfills present needs while preserving the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Given the finite nature of natural resources, achieving a harmonious equilibrium among the biological/ecological resource system, the economic system, and the social system became imperative. The question was raised: Could this concept be effectively implemented in practical scenarios?

Elsa presented valuable insights derived from her research, titled “Protected Forest: Economic Benefit and Sustainability Analysis of Conservation, Production, and Tourism Areas (Puntang, West Java).” This research aligned with one of the conference’s four sub-themes, specifically, Socio-economic Transformation for Sustainable Agromaritime.

For those interested in delving deeper into Elsa’s findings, don’t hesitate to contact her via rosalineelsa@gmail.com