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Resource And Environmental Economics

Management of Organic and Non-Organic Waste UPT Compost


Management of Organic and Non-Organic Waste UPT Compost

ESL FEM – Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), IPB University held a Winter Course on December 26-January 15, 2020 at the Dramaga Campus of IPB, Bogor.

The second Winter Course program that has been held since 2018 was attended by around eight international participants including seven students from India, and one student from Lithuania with the theme of “SDGs and Natural Resources Management”.

This activity is part of the Tourism Economics (MK) Course. “Prof. Dr. Nunung Nuryartono, Dean of FEM IPB University, conveyed that IPB University’s efforts to produce leadership in the future.

“We strive to shape you as future leaders who can make a difference to the world for the better.

SDGs or what we usually know as sustainable development are our common goals which consist of 17 goals.

That development requires the management of natural resources and the economy on a circular basis. The economic circular includes reduce, recycle and reuse, “explained this IPB University lecturer.

Prof. Nunung advised the participants, “I believe in Indonesia you can learn many things and try to realize the SDGs in 2030.

It is very important for us to know how we deal with global warming, the sectors that intensively contribute to carbon dioxide emissions are electricity and gas.

Our analysis shows that the largest household expenditure is used for drinks, but the highest carbon footprint comes from fuel and electricity consumption, “explained Prof. Nunung.

Furthermore, the IPB University professor said, the big trend faced was global warming.

As for the next big trend, there are three important things besides global warming, namely increasing inequality and cyber security.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Akhmad Fauzi conveyed four principles in achieving SDGs, namely “EAST” (Easy, Attractive, Social, Timely).

“Easy means easy by using the power of default, attractive means using attractive messages and useful architecture to maximize impact, social means using the power of networking and making commitments to others.

Timely (on time) means an effort to provide a fast and appropriate response especially to the needs of the community, “explained Prof. Akhmad.

The Chairman of the Department of Resource and Environmental Economics of IPB University, Dr. Ahyar Ismail in the event expressed his hopes.

“We hope that this Winter Course activity can be sustained annually for the department, and in the future the number of participants and countries will increase so that more people will be educated about the importance of SDGs, especially in goal number 12 which is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns,” he explained (SMH/ris)