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Student Dormitory Facility

Student Dormitory Facility

Dormitory of General Education and Competency Program of IPB University is a supporting unit of learning activities specifically for first-level students. The dormitory building consists of 10 buildings which include 6 female dormitories and 4 male dormitories.

For first-year students, the existence of dormitory greatly facilitates access to the location of classes and practical work, namely the Common Classroom (CCR) and Teaching Laboratory which is very close to the location of the dorm.

Facilities available at the dormitory includes 7 x 24-hour security, study room, lobby, free WIFI, dormitory canteen, and assistance from Senior Resident (SR).

Around the dormitory environment are also facilitates with Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), Agrimart, printing and photocopying facilities so as to facilitate access for students to support their daily life.

Aside from dormitory for first year students that still in the General Competency Education Program (PPKU), IPB also providing dormitories for upper years students which are Sylvasari Dormitory and Dramaga Girl Dormitory (APD).

Dramaga Girl Dormitory (APD)

Dramaga Girl Dormitory (APD) is located inside IPB Campus Dramaga. Aside for used as a residence, in this dormitory they also doing activities to develop various soft skill of the students.

Sylvapinus Boy Dormitory

Sylvapinus Dormitory inhabited by students from various faculties in Dramaga campus. There’s a various facilities like farming field, sport field, library, TV watching room, honesty store, kitchen, praying room, etc. The activities of this boy dormitory focusing on social and environment field. The biggest activity that held by the residents is Bogor Green Sounds for the Earth, that’s a series of love the environment activities cooperated with several environment communities in Bogor combined with music competition on Bogor level. Other than that, Sylvapinus residents also attend various activities like becoming a campus volunteer and activity committee in lecturer housing (perumdos).