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Resource And Environmental Economics

Sustainable Agriculture, Resources, and Environmental Development through Disaster Mitigation in West Sumatra.


Sustainable Agriculture, Resources, and Environmental Development through Disaster Mitigation in West Sumatra.

Bogor, February 14, 2024 — Dr. Ir. Rudy Rinaldy, MT, Head of the West Sumatra Provincial Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), delivered a guest lecture to 6th-semester students of the ESL Department on disaster mitigation and the sustainability of agriculture, natural resources, and the environment in West Sumatra. He highlighted that the province faces a high risk of natural disasters, such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Disasters in 2024 have damaged hundreds of hectares of agricultural land and infrastructure, threatening food security.

BPBD West Sumatra has implemented various mitigation programs, including early warning systems, agricultural infrastructure rehabilitation, and the Disaster-Resilient Village program. Additionally, forest rehabilitation and agricultural land conservation programs are being carried out to sustain the environment.Dr. Rudy emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government, communities, and the private sector to build resilience to disasters and ensure the sustainability of agriculture in the region.