To find out the SOP and send a journal to jaree editors, you can correspond to email( atau menghubungi ibu Fitria Dewi (+6281213858760). The following file contains the conditions for writing.
he ESL Department is the first department in Indonesia to study resource management and the environment from the perspective of economic theory and study its impact on society as a whole, both as an actor and recipient of the impact.
Three scientific fields are developed, namely Agricultural Economics, Resource Economics, and Environmental Economics.

*(sample ini menggunakan translate google)

Untuk mengetahui SOP dan mengirimkan jurnal ke redaksi jaree, dapat berkorespondensi ke email ( atau menghubungi ibu Fitria Dewi (081213858760). Berikut ini file berisi ketentuan penulisan.
Departemen ESL merupakan departemen pertama di Indonesia yang mempelajari pengolahan sumberdaya dan lingkungan dari perspektif teori ekonomi serta mengkaji dampaknya terhadap masyarakat secara keseluruhan, baik sebagai pelaku maupun penerima dampak.
Terhadap tiga bidang keilmuan yang dikembangkan yaitu Ekonomi Pertanian, Ekonomi Sumberdaya, dan Ekonomi Lingkungan.


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To find out the SOP and send a journal to the editor of Jaree, you can correspond to email ( or contact Mrs. Fitria Dewi (081213858760). The following file contains the conditions for writing.
The ESL Department is the first department in Indonesia to study resource management and the environment from the perspective of economic theory and study its impact on society as a whole, both as an actor and recipient of the impact.
Three scientific fields are developed, namely Agricultural Economics, Resource Economics, and Environmental Economics.

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